Wiese Acres Music Garden |
Wind chimes tuned to Mozart's Piano Concerto #21 in C Major set the tone for the Music Garden. Now, I couldn't tell you if my wind chime plays Mozart or Bach, in C or F, Major or Minor, but the young lady to whom the garden is dedicated certainly can. She inherited musical talent from someone other than her mother and is a phenomenal clarinetist as well as a great music educator. So, it seemed only natural that we should have a garden at Wiese Acres honoring our daughter's abilities and her passion for music.
Daylilies with musical names, such as "Bama Music", "Chorus Line" and "Country Melody" join irises "Cajun Music", "Cherry Blossom Song", "I've Got Rhythym" and "Jazzed Up". Coral bells of any kind are a match for the music theme, but "Canyon Melody" adds yet another layer of music to the setting. Gaillardia "Fanfare" adds a bright splash of color throughout the summer. Violas grow as a groundcover and Angel's Trumpet adds a dramatic splash of white to brighten the garden.
Wiese Acres Music Garden
A cherub playing a flute joins a harpist fairy in one section of the garden. Stepping stones with music notes on them stand upright in a wire plate stand for better visibility. A music stand holding a piece of sheet music (formed out of clay) and a shepherd's hook which resembles the treble clef sign holds the wind chime, both adding an element of height to the garden.
I am on a mission to find old, worn-out musical instruments which could be placed throughout the garden to carry the theme on a "real-world" level. I'm hoping that will be this year's addition to the Music Garden.
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